En route to Lake Superior

An early exit from the Tour Divide bike race allowed us to take a non-direct route from Kentucky to our month long housesitting job in Bozeman, Montana. It would also enable Andrea to complete her quest to visit all fifty states, an achievement that took almost 44...

55,000 Feet of Up

Sitting here writing this I’m still kicking myself for not currently being part of the Tour Divide 2017 mountain bike ride! Then I look down at the swelling and feel the tingling in the fingers on my right hand. Then I stand up and feel the grating along the...

Highpoints; the Next Batch

Continuing on from a successful Spring hike to the summit of Colorado’s Mt Elbert we went back and forth between either Utah or Arizona as the next highpoint. Utah’s Kings Peak, it turned out had a much better approach from the north and would have ended...

At Last a Proper Mountain

Since banging out four of the Northeastern Highpoints almost a year ago the desire had returned to knock off a few more. Hip resurfacing surgery and other travel plans stood in the way for ten months bringing us to now. Once again the decision to head out west was an...

Birmingham Hip Resurfacing or Bust

With a good amount of trepidation we headed north towards Madison, Wisconsin, on this occasion for my second bout of hip surgery. My decision to go ahead with further surgery was prompted by the rapid decline of my right hip – hiking was resulting in more and...

Northeastern Highpoints

Completing the seven continental highpoints, or 7 Summits as they are commonly called, is still on hold for financial and fitness reasons. Also, with only the big price tag mountains of Everest and Vinson remaining there needed to be an interim goal that was...

Adirondacks & More

Yes, we know it’s been a long time since we’ve sent out a blog, and no, we didn’t move to Montana either. In fact a few weeks ago we once again left Andrea’s family in Kentucky and headed north in our trusted steed, Going Broke. After spending a few days with friends...

Froze to Death Plateau

I spent a lot of time researching which peak I wanted to summit in the greater Yellowstone area. There were two at the top of my list, both of them the highest peaks in their states; Granite Peak in Montana and Gannett Peak in Wyoming. The shortest trail leading to...

The Lure of Glacier’s Backcountry

With a free weekend and a little apprehension, Andrea and I found ourselves in the Apgar backcountry office deciding on a permit to allow us to camp for two nights in Glacier National Park. We had a few ideas based on some online research, but we had no idea if we...

Hiking Yellowstone

I spent a week in Yellowstone for photography at the beginning of May so now it was time to return with Andrea. We reserved three nights at the Canyon campground located close to hikes, lodges, showers, and lots of wildlife. We added two additional nights after...

Nineteen Thousand Miles

With a mere twenty days separating our return from Lima, Peru to our departure around the west of the United States, it seemed like we had to be firing on all cylinders to ensure everything was ready. Going Broke, our 2008 Nissan Pathfinder, was purchased through a...

Utah and its Awesome Foursome

Seeming like an extension of Arizona and the Grand Canyon we drove Going Broke diagonally northeast across Utah, starting in the very livable city of St George (with fond memories of a brutal Ironman here back in 2009), followed by Zion, Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands,...

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