Days not Homeless: 4 Years, 366 Days ...and loving every second of this alpine adventure!
What’s wrong with having numerous goals, especially one that will take us to the top of Colorado’s 53 peaks above fourteen thousand feet, 58 if you count the 5 that don’t quite make the official list – a peak that doesn’t have at least 300′ of prominence over its taller neighbor is merely a sub-peak. So this is the latest challenge, one that depending on how long it takes for us to move to Colorado could take some time. The record for tagging them all is something ridiculous like 15 days, for us it’s taken three years to knock off a grand total of six! They are graded from one to four, one having no exposure and typically a shorter hike, with four having a pretty significant risk associated to it – Capitol peak is reputably the toughest with a round trip hike of 17 miles, over 5,000′ of elevation gain and some class 4 climbing moves.