Route des Grandes Alpes

Approaching Greenland ice shelf from the air was humbling, the size of the glaciers tumbling into the sea, the iceberg’s with their turquoise underwater colours, the sheer expanse… and we were barely north of Greenland’s narrowest point – there was a hell...

EuroVelo 15

So here it is, time for another fairly long bike-packing adventure following the length of the mighty Rhine river. The other getaways I was toying with were either a north south traverse of Iceland on foot or a photography shoot in the Faroe Islands – for both...

Skiing the Haute Route

Not what we had initially planned but more than happy that crap high mountain reports ruined our early spring 4000m peak bagging adventure! What was a loosely organised Monte Rosa trip, overnight turned into a well oiled Haute Route ski tour (thanks for demanding a...

Mont Blanc Goûter Route

Whilst Mont Blanc comes in at the highest mountain in western Europe its normal “Goûter” route is one of the easiest in the Alps. The 4810m snow covered summit looms over Chamonix, the lower glaciers of Bossons and Taconnaz winding their way down from the...

City Break: Nimes

We knew that to escape the rainy Alps we would have to head south, the reasoning behind Nimes coming during our recent EuroVelo 17 cycle ride. On that occasion it was Avignon and Arles that got the attention, our route missing Nimes by a day – we felt that we...

EuroVelo 17

Would this be the start of bigger things or maybe just put us off long distance cycle touring? Fortunately for me this wasn’t the first time spending back to back days in the saddle, whilst Andrea on the other hand was going to find out what is was all about!...

Winter of Skinning

The thought of being let loose on our own with fancy tech bindings and mohair skins, barely two weeks of skiing under our belts, was slightly intimidating to say the least! Shutdown had come far too early in the middle of March 2020, seemingly far too quickly followed...

French Bureaucracy

Yes, we had views to die for, great winter conditions, amazing summer hiking, a bigger apartment, our own car; all suddenly becoming a bit less significant now that we had discovered the infamous French bureaucracy…. and taxes! We had arrived in France eight and...

TMB Revisited

Seeing the ultra runners with their minimalist vests and lightweight trekking poles on Corsica’s GR20 earlier this year set the seed. Whilst we hauled 20kg backpacks over the rugged terrain these guys passed us with ease, skipping through multiple stages en...

Corsica GR 20

France had just removed its 100km travel limitation, Italy was about to open borders with its neighbors; still we were left with few options for a much needed vacation. We had been hiking like crazy in the Chamonix valley and needed something worthy of our fitness...

Tour des Fiz

Every time we drove or cycled out of town, passing Les Houches en route to Servoz or Passy, we would see this huge chunk of rock dominating the view off to our right. Turns out this is known as the Fiz massif. A little investigation also told us that there’s a...

Chamonix Life

Every once in a while we get the feeling that this is the place, the place where we’d like to discover more, experience new adventures, and spend a longer period of time. This time it was the picturesque Chamonix Valley. Whilst we had visited a few times before,...

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