Europe & Middle East Recap

We’ve now been back from our six month tour of Eastern Europe, Israel, Jordan, Cuba and 110 miles of hiking around the Mont Blanc Massif for almost a month and are already discussing whats next. Funny how things go as one minute we’re talking about staying put and...

Cuba; pre Big Mac & Latte Invasion

By the time this blog gets posted JetBlue and Spirit Air will probably have scheduled flights to Havana from Fort Lauderdale and New York, bringing throngs of Americans to add to the already packed island. Some will be excited to introduce tacky Starbucks, McDonalds...

The 51st State

We just love these thirty minute flights, especially flying JetBlue. No worries about overweight luggage, carry-on bags, or seats with zero legroom.Take note Spirit! Flying from St Maarten to Puerto Rico was the international leg of our homeward trip to South Florida,...

Chillin with Friends

Being only two and half months into a slow recovery from major hip surgery the offer to spend a 40th birthday celebration week with friends in the Caribbean was gratefully accepted. Neither of us had ever been to Dutch Sint Maarten or French St Martin, the two...

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