Being in Rome and Vatican City for my first, Andrea’s second time, was one of our best travel experiences in Europe. Immensely rich in history the city provided us endless sightseeing opportunities, walking tours, people watching, and some of Europes best tasting coffee! Five nights gave us more than enough time to visit the core attractions (even with Andrea having to start work at 2pm each day); any longer would have sent us stir crazy due to the amount of tourists everywhere we went. We attempted to be into the big hitters by the time they opened for the day or later in the evening, the hope that the masses are either too lazy or out for dinner to spoil things too much! Our itinerary was somewhat dictated to us but late September is probably still in the middle of the busy season for any significant slowdowns; with winter being the best time to limit crowds and for cooler weather.
Rome with Rick

Unfortunately Rome’s Coliseum was slammed with tourists at all hours of the day

Using trusty Airbnb as we usually do on our city breaks we stayed within a minute of Piazza Campo de Fiori, located a comfortable walking distance to the popular attractions scattered throughout Rome and Vatican City. Neither of us have any problems using two feet for primary transport and are more than happy covering 10 kilometres moving from sight to sight – from our accommodation the Colosseum was 2.2kms, the Pantheon 800m, Trevi Fountain 1.4kms, Roman Forum 1.3kms, Piazza Navona 350m, Spanish Steps 1.9kms and the Vatican City 1.6kms.

Arrival: Train from Rimini, Italy, Carrier: Trenitalia, Cost: 22.80 Eur pp
Departure: Flight to Beirut, Lebanon, Carrier: Middle East Airlines, Cost: $165.02 pp

Mobile Data
Carrier: Vodafone ES, Notes: Purchased 25GB in Madrid for 20 Eur

September 24th – September 29th 2019


I think that with trial and error both my photography and website design are getting progressively better so hopefully these newer, better quality images will inspire you to get out there and travel. Click HERE to see more and if you like the content then feel free to comment.

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