Home of the Cabot driving trail and ferry departure point to the province of Newfoundland, Cape Breton Island is renowned for its Celtic influence, art scene, and amazing coastline. It was here we got to camp at one of our top ten all time campsites at Meat Cove, be hosted by one of the friendliest airbnb home owners, and purchase a very nice maple cutting board (even if it is sitting with all of our other worldly belongings in a bedroom closet!).

Amazing location for Meat Cove campground

Amazing location for Meat Cove campground

After crossing the Canso Causeway from mainland Nova Scotia we had possibly one of our most receptive airbnb experiences, almost a little overpowering for Andrea as we’re sure the host had the hots for her. We shared the house with the owner, a super nice guy who went above and beyond to ensure that airbnb’ers had everything they could possibly need, offering local advice, laying on breakfast, and for a very reasonable $45 USD. Listening to advice couple hour drive around Isle Madame

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