February 16th – Kerikeri, NZ
All set for a 6am Sunday departure from Cape Reinga to Bluff. A little over 3000km from the top of New Zealand to the bottom!

TA Pre Departure

TA Pre Departure

February 20th – Cape Reinga Lighthouse, NZ
The beginning at Cape Reinga a little over 48 hours ago. 3000 km to go…

Cape Reinga, kilometer 0

Cape Reinga, kilometer 0

February 20th – Te Paki Sand Dunes, NZ
55 miles of riding on sand in 30° heat on day 1

55km long Ninety Mile Beach

55km long Ninety Mile Beach

February 20th – Waipoua Forest, NZ
Tane Mahuta, a 2000 year old Kauri tree in Waipoua forest

Tane Mahuta

Tane Mahuta

February 20th – The Kumara Box, NZ
Never has beer tasted so good!

Time for a fine tasting beer

Time for a fine tasting beer

February 26th – Taumarunui, NZ
Loving this ride so far – 900km down!

Matamata Hobbiton iSite

Matamata Hobbiton iSite

Mangakotukutuku Bridge on the Timber Trail

Mangakotukutuku Bridge on the Timber Trail

Ongarue Spiral

Ongarue Spiral

Mangakotukutuku Bridge signage

Mangakotukutuku Bridge signage

Mangakotukutuku Bridge

Mangakotukutuku Bridge

March 2nd – The Pukemanu Bar & Eatery, NZ
A fellow TA rider told me where to find his house key and to stay over. Very glad I did as Martinborough is a cool little town just under 100km from Wellington where I catch the ferry tomorrow to the South Island. On to pastures new…

Steak, chips and of course a Tui

Steak, chips and of course a Tui

March 2nd – Iride Store, Wellington, New Zealand
That’s it, 1600km of the north island complete. What an awesome experience so far!

March 3rd – Havelock Cafe & Bakery, Havelock, NZ
Very impressed with Havelock and the ‘sounds’ of New Zealand. Weather is fantastic as usual and with a crap day looming on Tuesday it’s time to bang out some Kilometers. Flat white time first!!!

March 3rd – The Freehouse, Nelson, NZ
After that last ‘Welcome to the South Island’ gravel trail I definitely deserve a pint of aptly named Gnarly Ryde Dude IPA

I had to stop for a Gnarly Ryde Dude IPA

I had to stop for a Gnarly Ryde Dude IPA

March 4th
A few photos from today’s 151km ride through the South Island.

Maungatapu saddle, a steep slog

Maungatapu saddle, a steep slog

March 7th – Stumpers, Hokitika, NZ
…and on the 17th day god provided rain! Over 60km of today’s 153km was miserable riding, although when the sun did appear it revealed how beautiful a country NZ is.

Hokitika clocktower

Hokitika clocktower

Miserable Greymouth bar

Miserable Greymouth bar

March 8th – Franz Josef Glacier, NZ
A beautiful day from dawn to dusk. Starting with the remainder of the fast and flowing West Coast Wilderness trail, arriving in Franz Josef Glacier township 140km later

The Bushmans Centre

The Bushmans Centre

South Island cows

South Island cows

March 9th – Haast, NZ
With 480km left to Bluff the end is in sight. Four days will see this journey come to an end, but in the meantime here are some shots of NZ’s amazing west coast

Fox glacier viewpoint

Fox glacier viewpoint

Knights Point looking out over the Tasman Sea

Knights Point looking out over the Tasman Sea

March 10th – Lake Hāwea, NZ
Today was all about Wanaka & Hawea, two stunning lakes I passed through after 10km on Haast Pass

Stunning Lake Wanaka

Stunning Lake Wanaka

Haast Pass, another slog

Haast Pass, another slog

March 11th – Deco Backpackers, Queenstown, NZ
A short 115km day with the tours highpoint and plenty of flowing gravel track – what could be better? Oh wait, knowing that I have only 244km to the finish line!

Cardrona Hotel in the Crown Range

Cardrona Hotel in the Crown Range

Queenstown's forever busy Fergburger

Queenstown’s forever busy Fergburger

March 12th
Today, despite being a short 103km was a day of headwinds and rain! From crossing Lake Wakapitu in Queenstown to finishing 6 hours later in Mossburn the weather was miserable. Cursing the god of weather, I was soaked to the skin and cold many hours before limping into town!

TSS Earnslaw at Walter Peak Station

TSS Earnslaw at Walter Peak Station

March 12th – Adagio Cafe, Winton, NZ
Nothing like a venison pie, followed by bacon and eggs on toast, all washed down with a large flat white! That should see me through the final 68km to Bluff and the end of this amazing journey!

March 12th – Bluff, NZ
That last 3000km was for you dad – I miss you!

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